Past events (2022/23)


EYP Days

European Youth Parliament Day (EYP Day) is an approximately six-hour simulation of the EYP CZ conference, which we organise directly in schools throughout every September and October. Our members will come directly to you and introduce students to all the parts of our conference program in an interactive way. For more information, click here. 


Regional Conferences of EYP CZ 2022; Europe Inside and Out

The Regional Conferences of EYP CZ 2022; Europe Inside and Out was a project covering two Regional Selection Conferences and a follow-up event, Roundtable Weekend of EYP CZ 2023. The project was supported by the Erasmus+ programme and has received the patronage of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and the Minister for European Affairs, Mikuláš Bek. 


11th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ Hradec Králové 2022

The Head Organisers, Zuzana Augustová and Jakub Kotík, continued the tradition of RSCs of EYP CZ by holding the 11th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ Hradec Králové 2022 which has welcomed over 150 Czech and international participants on November 11–14. The Delegates got the opportunity to discuss a variety of topics all tied together by the general theme of “Taking a stand in the ever-changing world”. 


12th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ České Budějovice 2022

The 12th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ České Budějovice 2022, with Kateřina Nedvědová and Karel Zajíc as its Head Organisers, was the second RSC of EYP CZ this autumn 2022 taking place on December 2–4 and welcoming over 150 Czech and international participants. The Delegates debated topics under the umbrella theme “Shaping European identity from within”. 


Roundtable Weekend of EYP CZ 2023

The RSCs were followed by the Roundtable Weekend of EYP CZ 2023, an event held on February 2–5, based on direct dialogue between students and decision-makers in the form of roundtables. A group of selected students has had the opportunity to meet with politicians, journalists and other public figures and directly reflect on the ongoing Czech EU Presidency and its agenda. The topics discussed followed the priorities of the #CZPRES. 


25th National Selection Conference of EYP CZ Kolín 2023

The 25th National Selection Conference of EYP CZ 2023 took place in spring 2023 in Kolín and the Head Organisers were Sarah Benešová and Marek Příplata. It was attended by selected delegations from the previous autumn RSCs.

13th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ Plzeň 2023

Visit the conference website by clicking here.

14th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ Olomouc 2023

Visit the conference website by clicking here.

26th National Selection Conference of EYP CZ Ostrava 2024

Visit the conference website by clicking here.

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